Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A little bit about ME

  I figured I would share a little bit about who I am. And I am sure the first thing you will all notice is that I have horrible grammar. I am very intelligent, when it comes to any other subject in school that does not include English. Math, Oh yeah, English, not so much. I really try and it goes in one ear and out the other.

  I go by Liz, and I am currently a 28 yr old student. My little sabbatical between High school and college took a little bit longer than I had anticipated. Live and learn and make mistakes along the way right? Right! I am currently studying Graphic Design and let me tell ya, I LOVE IT. I can truly see myself doing this as a career. I usually jump back and forth between jobs but this seems to be one thing I really want to stick to. It took so long to make up my mind on what I wanted to do. I have study nursing, I almost went into real state, even wanted to try American sign language. at the end of the day I had very little time to decide and Graphic Design is what I chose. Anyone a Graphic Designer? If so How do you like it?

  I live in Sunny Los Angeles , and let me tell you, IT is ALWAYS sunny. Sometimes it is too much sun. It gets so hot sometimes it feels like torture. When I first moved here I tried my hand at acting, it was fun, long hours, tried and and I had the change to add it to my list of first. Yes I keep a list of first, not an actual written down list but more of a  "I want to try as many first things as I can" type of list because I like trying new things. For example I always wanted to go live in Alaska and I did. Right now one of my next first will be a tattoo. I am terrified of needles despite the two facial piercings and the 7 ear piercings I currently have. I am a bit spontaneous , love meeting new people, and a bit loud, not rowdy loud, but more like I cant be in a library loud. Hey that's why we have internet now right? Right? LOL. I like soda, tons of junk food and Rock music and on and off I love those songs that you just want to cry with. Sadly I am not a crier but hey it is the thought that counts isn't it? lol

  Well for now this is it. I don't even think anyone will actually read this , we will see. If anyone does, I might continue to add to this or even start writing about my randomness. There is a quote that says "Always smile, for you never know who can be falling in love with your smile"

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